The Respitality Reporter

 We hope the wet weather isn't dampening your spirits...but if it is, our latest newsletter should put you in a great mood!

If you have any queries about the work of Respitality in Scotland, please get in touch with our team via email or call us on 01383 622462.

Can you support Respitality in 2024?

We are calling on all businesses within the tourism, hospitality and leisure sector to Make A Carers Day in 2024 through Respitality! 

Having a positive impact within your local community, engaging your employees and highlighting yourself as a compassionate leader in your industry are just some of the reasons our donors have told us why they support our initiative.

By partnering with Respitality, your business can make a meaningful difference in the lives of unpaid carers across Scotland. We're asking for your support in donating short breaks through the tourism sector, which will provide these individuals with an opportunity to relax, recharge, and create long-lasting memories.

To enquire today about how you can support, please click on the below button to express your interest and our team will be in touch. 
Click here to enquire about donating a break

Respitality lands in Poland!

We work hard to attend various events and conferences throughout the year to promote Respitality. In September, we were honoured to attend and present at the International Short Breaks Association bi-yearly conference, hosted in Wroclaw, Poland. The main theme of the workshop was how we encourage the tourism industry to support us, and how we maintain strong relationships with them. 

The aim of the conference is for countries across the world to understand what the landscape of short breaks looks like in different countries, and any learning we can take and implement in our own country. We were also joined by various other organisations from Scotland who support unpaid carers.

A young carers adventure in the Scottish Highlands 

East Ayrshire Carers Centre supported 12 young carers on a two night Respitality stay in one of Badaguish Outdoor Centre's lodges in Aviemore back in May. One of the Young Carer Support Workers, Zoe Carroll, gave us the lowdown! 

The break began with a 170 miles car sharing journey spanning over 3 and a half hours, which included 5 members of support staff.

Most of the young carers (aged between 15 to 18) were excited about the trip and engaged in playing games and chatting. One young carer was so worried about the person they care for, that when the group stopped for food, they took the opportunity to call home to make sure everything was OK, and it was only after they called that they were able to relax. Being able to fully switch off and relax is one of the many barriers to young carers being able to access regular, short breaks.

The young carers shared rooms in the lodge, which they described as “really big & very comfy” and after settling in, they proceeded to explore the area. The group went to the Highland Wildlife Park, where they had the chance to see a range of native animals (like the Scottish wildcat) as well as, a first for many of the young carers, Scotland’s only polar bears.

After the Wildlife Park they went into Aviemore and had lunch at an Italian restaurant called “La Taverna”, where they got the chance to share a lovely meal together. The following day they went up the Cairngorm Mountain Railway – Scotland’s only funicular which rises over 1,097m above sea level, where they spent a few hours at the top, enjoying not only the views but also the exhibition at the top station.

In the evenings the staff from EACC kept the young carers well entertained with quizzes, watching TV together and playing games.They also had a collection of racquets & balls which was a lot of fun.

Zoe told us,“Many of the young carers were able to relax for the time that they were away and that going to Badaguish provided a much needed break from their caring responsibilities. They were so appreciative, they all were – the young carers were able to experience something completely different and they had loads of experiences they wouldn’t have had otherwise. They all have different caring roles - one young carer cares for their father who has heart problems and mental health issues after their mum passed away. Seeing them relax, looking refreshed and ready to go back to their caring role shows what an impact this break had.”

Click here to donate a break to Respitality

The launch of our Respitality research paper

In October, we officially launched our research paper into the Scottish Respitality model. This was carried out in collaboration with Edinburgh Napier University, and has been named “Connected By Care”.
Thank you to all the carers, delivery partners and donors who were able to take part in this research. It has provided us with a greater understanding of how our social franchise model works in practice, and what useful recommendations we can implement to enhance what we current offer.
Click here to read the full Respitality report

Snapshot of Respitality July-September 2023

Click here to find out if you can access a Respitality break in your area
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